LifeROOTS Board of Directors

Read About Our Accommodating Officers and Team Members

As a nonprofit agency, LifeROOTS is governed by a Board of Directors who provides guidance and oversight of the organization’s strategic initiatives, helps ensure that we meet our mission objectives, and develops fund-raising initiatives to ensure the future of the agency. We are proud to have a diverse and caring board to help in those efforts.


Maggie Silva - Board Chair

Maggie Silva


CABQ Therapeutic Recreation

Cathy Salazar - Secretary

Cathy Salazar


Ms. Salazar is an active supporter and advocate for developmental disabilities and traumatic brain injuries. She is a foster parent for ARCA and has fostered 40 special needs children and adopted six children. Ms. Salazar was appointed by Governor Bill Richardson to the New Mexico Brain Injury Advisory Council.

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Carol Epstein - Vice Chair

Carol Epstein

Vice Chair

Carol is the regional services manager for Wells Fargo Bank.

Mike Teske - Treasure

Mike Teske



Carol Guerra - Member

Carol Guerra

Board Member

Ms. Guerra is the owner of All-Star Insurance. She holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of New Mexico.

As a past Board Chair, Ms. Guerra chairs the Executive Committee. She serves as a member of the finance, personnel, and board development committees.

Myron(Sal) Saldyt - Member

Myron Andrew Saldyt

Board Member

Mr. Saldyt is an architect with Conron and Woods Architects in Santa Fe, NM, and has been a registered architect since 1985. He is a member of the Board Development Committee and has served on numerous other committees and has been on the Board since 2004.

Our Mission

We provide developmental services that promote independence to underserved and extra needs populations through the cycle of their lives.

Our Vision

LifeROOTS enriches the entire community by nurturing individuals to grow, strengthen, and flourish.